Okay, So here’s the bottom line. Do you want the trees that you’ve planted to be healthy and live a long, fruitful life? Then you need to be thinking about the parts of the tree that, for the most part, go unnoticed. THE ROOTS! Healthy roots= healthy trees. Now we could get in to the biology and physiology of trees …
Quality Nursery Stock- You Can Grow That, Nov.
The temperatures are dropping in most climate zones and our outdoor growing season is coming to an end ( sort of). But did you know that November is a great time to plant new trees in your landscape. There are many factors from a plant health perspective that make November a good planting time. Perhaps you have already discovered another …
Keeping Trees in Their Right Place (You Can Grow That Oct.)
As many know, Autumn is a great time to plant a new tree . Whether it’s those fruit trees you’ve been wanting to plant for a few years or a young shade tree that will grow up to cut down your AC costs in the summers, The fall is a nice time for that tree planting. With the great care …