This past Friday, April 27th was Arbor Day. Long before we celebrated Arbor Day, before anyone came up with the term ecology or the idea of an Earth Day, even before most people

J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day, and lover of trees.
would have guessed that we should pay attention to the health of ourenvironment…there was Julius Sterling Morton. If you’ve ever doubted that one person can have a major positive influence on the Earth, you should know the story of J. Sterling Morton and how his belief in the beauty and necessity of trees has literally changed the landscape for over 100 years.
Check out this book on the history of Arbor Day!
Forest Keepers Tree Care participated this year in a campaign called the Arbor Day of Service. This is a volunteer initiative launched by the Massachusetts Arborists Association in 2010. This initiative was built on the success of the association’s traditional celebration, held for 30 years, by creating a statewide volunteer service day.
Our project site was the Hyannis Public Library. We had a great day volunteering our services to prune trees around the property. We also spent some time with students from the local Sturgis Charter School, teaching them about the benefits of trees, the current state of the urban forest and the benefits of proper tree care.

We had a lively discussion with some of the Sturgis Students in their Environmental Systems class.
Healthy trees are vital to our environment and our community. On Friday and Saturday, 350 MAA volunteers donated time, equipment and materials to nearly 40 Arbor Day of Service project sites across the state. We were pleased to have the opportunity to join with our fellow MAA members by giving back and making a difference right here on Main street in Hyannis.

Proper training in all aspects of tree care is very important to use here at Forest Keepers. Here is one of our Foremen showing a crew member the right way to tie off his climbing line.

Setting a line for tree limb removal
Enjoy this short film on tree planting. Very inspirational!
A great celebration of Arbor Day! And I loved the video. I had read the slender little book The Man Who Planted Trees many years ago, and it always stayed with me. How beautifully it is illustrated and narrated here. Thanks for finding it!
Yes I was really impressed with the animation! Beautifully done. Such an inspiring story too. It makes me want to go out and plant more trees!
Wouldn’t be surprised if you have inspired others to follow your career path on such a day.
Am in a bit of a rush so have only seen the beginning of the delightful film. Will come back to finish it later.
Hi Lucy. We’ve been having some technical troubles with our site so hopefully the video is still here when I restore everything.
But any way it’s nice to hear from you.